Drag & drop your files here
or click select files below
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Sorry, your password is too short
Password must contain at least one number (0,1,3...9)
Password must contain UPPER and lower case characters
Password must contain at least one special character such as !@#$%^&*()<>
If your password has more than 40 characters without significant repetition then there are fewer restrictions on the contents of your password.
     File Encryption is end to end. Your files are encrypted in your web browser. It is up to you to send the encryption password to the recipient(s) as we do not store any passwords.
     File Encryption will significantly impact performance of your browser and/or device for the sender and receiver(s).
     Encrypted Files equal to or greater than 4GB may not be downloadable due to the limitations of the web browser.
     Not supported in your browser. Please try again with the latest Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or Chrome